Civil Law Section

Challenges of Civil Law in the 21st Century

"The life of the law a struggle" - said the founder of the German Jurisprudence of Interests, Rudolf von Ihering, and his quote is still timeless. Whether we want it or not, the development of global events inevitably translates into private law relations as well. Only in recent years, under the influence of a gradual electronicization or digitization, the trend of cohabitation of same-sex couples, covid-19 or even the conflict in Ukraine, the European and national legislators are forced to react to the changes in the society and the world. The new legal regulations are gradually being adopted or about to be adopted (not only) at the level of private law (either a substantive or a procedural one) and they often reflect a current problem, trend or phenomenon of the time.
The goal of the civil law section is to enrich the participants of the conference and the subsequent readers of the conference proceedings with observations reflecting the (un)outlined current issues, which often consist in the de lege ferenda proposals.

Guarantors of the section:

doc. JUDr. Martin Križan, PhD.

Mgr. Marek Ivančo, PhD.
JUDr. Ing. Karin Raková, PhD., MBA