Administrative Law Section

Reforms in Public Administration and their Impact
on the Performance of Public Administration

Public administration reforms have been part of the dynamic changes taking place in the Slovak Republic since its establishment. The section emphasises not only the analysis of the functioning of public administration from the perspective of national regulation, but also creates space for a broad discourse from the perspective of international law, since reforms and the improvement of public administration represent a continuous process that has to be analysed from a supranational perspective. The improvement of public administration is inevitably linked to the search for so-called examples of good practice from other countries, and it is necessary to analyse these examples, evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of their use in our conditions, and, if necessary, look for mutual overlaps.
This year also marks the tenth anniversary of the launch of the largest government administration reform - called ESO - Efficient, Reliable and Open Public Administration, the aim of which is to make public administration more efficient, ensure quality, transparency and accessibility for the citizen. The aim of this section is also to summarise and analyse the impact of this reform on the performance of public administration through an analysis of the effectiveness of the changes introduced in the public administration.

Guarantor of the section:

doc. JUDr. Zuzana Hamuľáková, PhD.